Discipline: English

English English homeworkEnglish English homework

Hello everyone,  can you help me with my homework please ?! Write in the missing verbs for each sentence. Look at the grammar it will help you. Hello everyone, let’s get started, thank you for coming, I am ……………………………………….. This morning I am going to be: showing        talking        taking […]

Summer Reading ProjectSummer Reading Project

Write a one page on the book Cinder by Meyer describing the family tree(character). Each character should have meaningful thing about them. Each character should have an interesting quote(with page numbers). Write the importance of the family tree. Describe each role in the plot of the story.

Criminal JusticeCriminal Justice

  Please discuss the different types of reports that an officer may be required to complete as well as when those reports might be required. Please explain the importance of each type of report as well as the importance for accurate, legible writing and how illegible writing might impact the investigation and prosecution of the […]

Nationalism and GlobalismNationalism and Globalism

MLA guidelines 800word research about Nationalism and Globalism. Use four reliable resources.  Four paraphrases and only two direct quotes, all properly cited. Quotes 20 words or less. paragraph 1: Introduction paragraph 2: Explain nationalism paragraph 3: Explain globalism paragraph 4: Explain which one you believe you are, a nationalist or a globalist. paragraph 5: Summary […]


1. Write a one-paragraph summary of the article. Paste the link to the article and provide the title of the article at the beginning of your paragraph. Answer in one paragraph that includes 4-6 sentences 2. What is outstanding (good, bad, outrageous, noteworthy, unusual) about the piece of writing? What is engaging? Boring? Fascinating? Use […]

English AssignmentEnglish Assignment

 This assessment must contain not only numerical values but also written explanations for the various assessment entries, as outlined below.  Review the emergency plan, as well as the appendices to the plan, to determine the primary vulnerabilities and hazards to your particular jurisdiction. You should elaborate on these particular vulnerabilities/hazards in a 3-page narrative form […]


Discussion Topic: Please elaborate on how you define the notion of success for yourself.  A little bit about myself: early 30’s, married, credit score is in the mid 600’s, 4 children, and 3 grandchildren, work in customer service at a call center for over 5 years, currently am a team lead, believe in helping people […]

English AssignmentEnglish Assignment

Research and select a medium-sized city (100,000-500,000 people) in the United States, other than Florida. Then, write a 2-3-page assignment, double-spaced, describing that city (geographic location, population size, available resources, etc.).  These characteristics will determine what risks, hazards, concepts, and elements will be included in your Emergency Plan. Additionally, locate the emergency plan in place […]