Discipline: English


   In 300 words, write about the following: Why have you chosen to pursue a career in health care specifically nursing  and what are the key qualities you possess that will help you be successful?


  “Hawthorne’s Aminadab: Sources and Significance” “Hawthorne’s Aminadab: Sources and Significance” – Alternative Formats  by Thomas Pribek, from Studies in the American Renaissance, vol. 89, 1987, pp. 177-186   1. Read and annotate or take notes on one (1) of the scholarly articles provided below. As you read, consider the following questions: a) What new insights […]

writing Illustration topic 2writing Illustration topic 2

Topic : Is it possible for children to recover from the divorce of their parents?  MLA format, 5 pages. Make sure that your introductory paragraph concludes with a clear, concise thesis statement. Make sure that each body paragraph begins with a clear, concise topic sentence. Begin your topic sentences with transitions.


  Please discuss the first and greatest priority of the first officer on a scene. Then, please discuss their role in documenting evidence and how they might document the information observed. Additionally, please discuss the need for the first officer to document certain evidence in both, their notes and their case reports. Finally, please discuss […]


  Discuss the proper writing and grammar style for note taking and for report writing. Is there a difference in the style used between the two? If so, why? Additionally, please discuss and identify the proper and improper writing styles and techniques for completing reports.

Lead out sentenceLead out sentence

APA format, in-text citation, references include Part 1: ( Use for part 1 attachment to do) The lead-out is where you conclude the paragraph and its corresponding argument. It also provides an opportunity to emphasize your unique voice as a scholar. To generate the lead-out, writers ask themselves questions such as What is the lasting […]

Video Activity: Requiem MassVideo Activity: Requiem Mass

In the course of this chapter, you will see how Western classical music evolved from monophonic chant to more complex four-voice polyphony. To get a feeling for the music of the Middle Ages, listen to the opening of an early fifteenth-century Requiem Mass (Mass for the Dead).  https://youtu.be/kcRku6UL9YQ?list=PLC8C8303D7E9A6B38  As you listen, ask yourself the following […]