Discipline: English


  write a Letter of Introduction. You can tell us where you’re from, your life goals, some information about interests/hobbies outside of school, what you like to read (italicize titles of novels), what you like to write, and/or anything else you would care to share about yourself. Your post will be read by your classmates […]

Reflection questionReflection question

  Think about the skills that you have learned in this course: communication, problem solving, and innovation. How can you apply what you learned about communication, problem solving, and innovation to your personal, professional, and academic life? How will the skills you developed help you be a better persuasive author? Give examples.


 Discussions play an integral role in monitoring your course participation and supporting your learning throughout the term. You should check back to the weekly discussion forum multiple times throughout the week to engage with your professor and peers. While you may make your initial post within the late policy guidelines, response posts with peers are […]


 Use concrete physical details in your description and specific verbs and adjectives in your analysis, avoiding at all costs vague adjectives (“beautiful,” “natural,” “great,” “delicious,” –and forget “awesome” or “yummy” altogether–etc.) and adverbs (“skillfully,” “amazingly,” “intensely” etc.) or dead metaphors (“raining cats and dogs”) which are either so highly subjective or overused as to be […]


The introductory paragraph is a summary that will provide background information on Sherman Alexie’s “Superman and Me.” . The body paragraphs will focus on your own story to show readers why your educational journey is unique and significant.  Be sure to review the content in Lecture 2 for more instruction on drafting your introduction, thesis […]


1 sentence that states an argument you can make about the topic based on the article. This sentence will serve as the main idea in your eventual MEAL plan paragraph. 2-4 sentences that explain why you have chosen this argument as a critical reader.  APA format, intext citation, refrences included, 1 page


APA format, in-text citation, references include, 1 page How does a health care administrator determine which social media tool is most appropriate for an intended audience or health message? Using social media tools to communicate health messages offers many benefits including instantaneous feedback, establishing a networked community, and enhanced information dissemination. With these thoughts in […]