Discipline: English


follow all instruction in word document  In the reflection for Module 1, please focus on the following question: What are the most interesting traits of US health policy and its development process that you learned? How do you link these traits to what you know about the Affordable Care Act? Why do business professionals need […]

Week two English 2Week two English 2

  For this post you will need to read “Poisonfish.” Download “Poisonfish.” Your Initial Post must have two components: the first section should create a definition of good writing that Ken Macrorie, the author of “Poisonfish,” might agree with. Draw from the text, creating a definition of 50-100 words in length. I will be looking […]

Week two English 1Week two English 1

  For this assignment you will create notes on “Poison Fish.” Download “Poison Fish.” These notes must include: 5 key words 3-5 specific questions about key aspects of the reading 3-5 sentences from the reading you found particularly compelling/important. 100-200 words explaining why you chose these particular key words, questions, and sentences. https://msudenver.instructure.com/courses/79101/assignments/1073349?module_item_id=7274706


APA format, in-text citation, references include Part 1: ( 1 page) Jean is a health care administrator for a hospital that serves an urban population. Jean is promoting a recent initiative to install a free clinic to provide minor urgent care. Before the hospital can begin allocating resources to install the free clinic, the hospital […]

Write a Case Study Analysis Due: Tuesday, before midnight.Write a Case Study Analysis Due: Tuesday, before midnight.

  Use these instructions to write a 500 – 700 word analysis using the case study format outline. Use 12-point, Time New Roman. Follow the 5-Paragraph outline described on the instruction sheet: Paragraph 1: Introduction, Key Problems, Thesis Statement  Paragraph 2: Background, (Set the scene/facts/main actors)  Paragraph 3: Alternatives (Outline some alternatives, why you rejected […]

English HomeworkEnglish Homework

 See the information on the Office of the Federal Register website that discusses reverse logistics of hazardous materials. Discuss the problem of reverse logistics and how it relates to hazardous materials packaging. 


 Read “Critical Thinking in College Writing”   . For this assignment you will create notes on “Critical Thinking in College Writing.” These notes must include: 5 key words 3-5 specific questions about key aspects of the reading 3-5 sentences from the reading you found particularly compelling/important. 100-200 words explaining why you chose these particular key words, […]


  Objective: Students will appropriate articulate understanding of the role of occupational therapy in the treatment of and provision of services for individuals with burns in a pediatric setting. In addition, students will articulate understanding of the causes of burns, the cultural implication of burns, and the importance of appropriate care provision, (including appropriate durable […]

Power point narration outlinePower point narration outline

Last week, you created a PowerPoint presentation; next week, you will practice recording narration for a presentation, and in Week 9 you will submit your final presentation with recorded narration. For this week’s Professional Experience, you will create a narration outline for your final recorded presentation. Step 1: Download the Narration Outline Template [DOCX] and review the guidelines […]