Discipline: English

COM: Module 1 DiscussionCOM: Module 1 Discussion

In 200-250 words, create a discussion post that addresses the question below: In this week’s readings you learned about the rhetorical situation and how we can break down speeches into specific elements of occasion, audience, speaker, and speech. After watching the example speech of  President Barack Obama’s speech after the death of Osama Bin Laden I want […]

Review PDFReview PDF

Read Chapter 1-6 to 1-7,  -highlight and find any grammar error.  -highligh anything that basically maybe dont make sence and re write it in a different way.  -Do not re write the entire paragraph just take off and add to it.  -Make changes and explian why. 

Prof Double RProf Double R

Respond to the following students post. Do you agree or disagree with your peer’s choice and why? What kind of legacy do you think your peer’s selected work leaves behind? What elements of culture or what groups of people does this cultural work influence the most or reflect? Sara post  I am choosing the new […]

English Group assignmentEnglish Group assignment

Step 1: Download the Group Project Plan Document [DOCX] . Step 2: Complete the Group Project Plan. Be sure to answer each question thoughtfully and thoroughly. As you do so, keep the following in mind: This is a group goal, not an individual goal. You will select your own group members using family, friends, coworkers, etc. The group should […]

Block letterBlock letter

In this assignment, you will write an email message from the perspective of a company manager who must communicate the bad news to one of the characters in the scenario you selected. Follow the instructions below: Step 1: Choose one of the professional scenarios outlined in the ENG315 Scenarios [DOCX] document. Step 2: Write a block business letter based […]


   We’ve discussed author’s purpose, we’ve found and discussed the use of literary elements, and we’ve identified themes.  We don’t want to lose sight, though, of the fun of reading, the joy and emotion importance of literature. 

Discussion PostDiscussion Post

Let’s take a moment to consider a potential work situation. Your supervisor just announced that you and a colleague, Bruce, will have an opportunity to meet with the company’s CEO in two hours to deliver a presentation on your team’s current project. Due to the short notice, Bruce believes your presentation should be an impromptu […]