Discipline: English


   · Choose one critical theory and give a brief history of it. o How did it evolve? o Was it a reaction to a social issue (civil rights? women’s suffrage? queer theory)? § If so, how does this prove that critical approaches mirror or change with society? § Give examples. o What text(s) have […]


   You must provide textual evidence and at least three specific examples. Be sure to explain how these examples work. · Do they help to create a certain mood? · Is the setting of any importance? · Are there important symbols? · Does the author use literary devices like foreshadowing or flashback? · Does the […]

week disucweek disuc

 Using the same scenario from DQ1, the budget director must present alternatives to the district superintendent for consideration. Describe the alternatives you would recommend so the superintendent and/or board has choices. 


APA format, in-text citation, references include, 1 page  Healthcare Administrator’s Role to Risk Management and Emergency Management: Importance, planning, approaches, communication, and organizational safety.

Professional Email MessageProfessional Email Message

Step 2: Write an email based on your chosen scenario. Make sure that in your email you: Use the names from the scenario in your To, From, Subject, and Signature areas. Pretend to be one of the characters in the scenario (you are the sender) and address the email to another character in the scenario (the […]

Discussion PostDiscussion Post

Read the prompt carefully, then post an original reply of 5-6 sentences in answer to the question.  Reply to a classmate’s post using 3-4 complete sentences with thoughtful details.   Weekly discussions are worth 30 points, so grammar and details are important. Think of a time when the way an email message was delivered to you […]

Discussion PostDiscussion Post

Active listening helps us communicate effectively and resolve conflicts in the workplace. However, distractions such as mobile devices, text messages, social media, and emails may impact our ability to actively listen to others. Choose one of the options below. Then, thoroughly explain why active listening is critical to success in this area. You may want […]


  A Feminist Stylistic Analysis of Katherine Mansfield’s “Miss Brill” Authors:Ibrahim, Farah HafedhSource:Al-Adab; 2020; 132(2): 77-96.  [Journal Detail] University of Baghdad.Notes:English summary; Arabic summary.Peer Reviewed:YesISSN:1994-473XNational Literature Classification:Subject Literature: English literature Period: 1900-1999 Primary Subject Author: Mansfield, Katherine(1888-1923) Primary Subject Work: ‘Miss Brill’ Genre: short storySubject Terms:use of female imagery; style; language; relationship to sexual equality; stereotypes; […]