Discipline: English


   For this thesis practice, choose a short story we’ve read during this unit and consider its use of narration Some questions to help guide your answer: 1. What purpose does the narrative structure serve? 2. Does the story have an reliable/unreliable narrator? 3. How do you know (how will you support yourself)? FULL INSTRUCTIONS IN […]


   Narrators are responsible for telling the action of the story. Unreliable narrators (typically first-person narrators) often have a twist or some sort of inability to be honest. This is true in film as well. For this discussion, write a 300-400 word discussion board post over a film, tv episode or story where an unreliable […]

Prof Double RProf Double R

  Describe how Sara and Michael posts changed your views, feelings, or opinions. How do you think the cultural works potentially impacted society’s values? Sara post For my modern-day cultural work, I am choosing the movie Jojo Rabbit. This is a film written and directed by Taika Waititi. It depicts a child living in nazi […]

Digesting DiscussionDigesting Discussion

Food politics and social justice issues around the topic of food are more visible today than they have ever been. Food, diet, health, community planning, political values, social identity, are wound up in complex ways even around seemingly simple issues. For example, in Chicago the issue of “food deserts” or unequal food access and availability […]


   Think about the following: · What did you do with the idea? · · Did you write in sections or parts and piece it together at the end? · How much time did you (honestly!) give to editing and revising your work? PLEASE FULL INSTRUCTIONS ARE IN UPLOADED FILE ATTACHED, CHECK IT OUT. THANKS


   Thinking about the readings from this Module, write a 300-400 word discussion board post in which you explore one or more of these questions: · How does the theme of good and evil present itself in the story? · Is it accurate and truthful (is the “good guy” really good and the “bad guy” […]

1.Creating and conducting SURVEY 2.Report to the Decisionmaker Final1.Creating and conducting SURVEY 2.Report to the Decisionmaker Final

  The completed report should be between 1,300 and 2,000 words, excluding the reference page. A minimum of three (3) sources are required. A recommendation report suggests a resolution to a problem by providing evidence that the problem exists and that there is a good way to resolve or improve the situation.For this project, you will identify a problem and possible solution, […]

Decision-maker Identification.Decision-maker Identification.

  For this week’s second discussion, you need to identify a “decision-maker” that could make a difference regarding the issue. It is important to have the decision-maker in mind (as your audience) as you create your project. Follow these steps for this discussion: State the local issue that you are writing about. Research: Find out […]

Researching Your TopicResearching Your Topic

  For this discussion, you want to research your topic for Project 4 and find at least 3 reputable sources that support the problem or propose solutions to the problem. The sources do not need to come from the PGCC databases, but they must be credible. You should have learned about finding credible resources in […]