Discipline: English

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Christopher Can you think of a time when a Pseudo-event was created to market a film? If so, was this event used in combination with any other approaches?       2. Do you think Pseudo-Events is an ethical way to market Horror Films? Why or why not? Cynthia Do you believe that the media encourages […]

The following table list four poetic devices. After reading the poem Barbie Doll, complete the following table. Resources: metaphor, imagery, tone and point of viewThe following table list four poetic devices. After reading the poem Barbie Doll, complete the following table. Resources: metaphor, imagery, tone and point of view

The following table list four poetic devices. After reading the poem Barbie Doll, complete the following table. Resources: metaphor, imagery, tone and point of view


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SHS7ADLmOjKrqdu7ro0uSUCuRbrvTilG/view?pli=1 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1BvxWHe9QqXffV5hTD921ScrdmxeFcjz0v6nNeBBYAAQ/edit?usp=sharing Assignment: Create a one-to-two-page written document telling a story about 3 of these Human(e) Technology tarot cards 

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Video Games: Don’t Demonize Video Games for Violence–http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2014/07/24/dont-demonize-video-games-for-violence-column/13127599/ HuffPost Violent Video Games Reveal Dark Side of Play: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mary-flanagan/violent-video-games-revea_b_5638767.html Tactical Media Mark Dery: Culture Jamming: Hacking, Slashing, and Sniping in the Empire of Signs: http://markdery.com/?page_id=154 Exxon Proposes Burning Humanity for fuel: http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/WO0706/S00281.htm

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Link: Choose a social media outlet  find one–new or old– Give a brief history of that medium Discuss how it contributes to or fights “fake” news, propaganda, and free speech  Provide a critical assessment of its contributions to, or detracts from, the media-democracy continuum described by Habermas.

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Part 1 argue for or against the notion that social change (revolution) will be instigated by and organized through social media. You might also consider using examples in recent memory when revolutions, or social actions, were organized, implemented, and reported on by social media.  Part 2 Once you have watched the video and considered the […]