Discipline: English


Topic: Case 1: https://academic.oup.com/milmed/article/184/1-2/8/5106700?login=false#134077420 Identify the ethical framework you used and offer potential and acceptable solutions. Make sure to note that the solutions are acceptable for the location of the case and the international community in terms of global health and security APA format, in-text citation, references included, 1 page


APA format, in-text citation, references include, 1 page Topic: How does integrating evidence-based information into your writing differ from writing using personal opinion? What is the difference between constructive feedback and criticism? How does the structure and tone of professional writing differ from that of causal writing?

annotated Bibliographyannotated Bibliography

articles:   https://ifstudies.org/blog/is-tiktok-dangerous-for-teens-    https://childmind.org/article/how-using-social-media-affects-teenagers/#:~:text=A%20survey%20conducted%20by%20the,poor%20body%20image%20and%20loneliness  https://www.weliahealth.org/2022/10/instagram-and-girls-the-negative-effects-and-ways-to-temper-them/#:~:text=However%2C%20the%20research%20showed%20that,%2C%20and%20increased%20suicidal%20ideation.%E2%80%9D https://pix11.com/news/facebook-has-data-showing-instagram-leaves-some-users-depressed/

World LitWorld Lit

Hide Assignment InformationTurnitin™This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™.Instructions Reading Assignment: Doris Lessing (THE OLD CHIEF MSHLANGA) Study Guide: Doris Lessing (THE OLD CHIEF MSHLANGA) Reading Assignment: Chinua Achebe (CHIKE’S SCHOOL DAYS) Study Guide: Chinua Achebe (CHIKE’S SCHOOL DAYS) Reading Assignment: Ngugi Wa Thiong’o (WEDDING AT THE CROSS) Study Guide: Ngugi Wa Thiong’o (WEDDING AT […]

quotes and argue or explainquotes and argue or explain

  QUOTES AND ARGUE EACH BELOW 2 FULL PAGES/ MLA TEMPLATES FOR INTRODUCING QUOTATIONS 1. X states, “Not all steroids should be banned from sports.” 2. As the prominent philosopher X puts it, “__________.” 3. According to X, “__________.” 4. X himself writes, “__________.” 5. In her book, __________, X maintains that “__________.” 6. Writing in […]

English comp 2 reflectEnglish comp 2 reflect

Reflect on the research and writing process learned in this course, Reflect on your improved understanding of research, taking notes, the use of library resources, internet research, discourse communities, APA writing, and skills or additional techniques that you learned during the course. What did you learn about your own research process and style? What would […]

Social issues reflectionSocial issues reflection

Please respond to the following questions based on these course objectives: Explain the sociological approaches to technology. Assess the many digital divides present in the United States. Appraise the impact of technological advancements on health, healthcare, and medicine. Justify the retraining of workers through traditional and distance learning.  Evaluate the impact of technology on jobs […]