Discipline: English

Research Question & HypothesisResearch Question & Hypothesis

  An integral part of research is the formulation of a good research question. It guides the researcher and assists with study design, population and, ultimately, the data that will be analyzed and collected. For this assignment, students will write a research question and hypothesis related to a topic of interest. While students are free […]

A Doll HouseA Doll House

Within A Doll’s House, choose a character (not necessarily the protagonist) whose mind is pulled in conflicting directions by two compelling desires, ambitions, obligations, or influences. Then, identify each of the two conflicting forces and explain how this conflict illuminates the meaning of the work as a whole. (Parental/filial obligations, The role of women, etc.) […]


Application of HOFSTEDE’S  CULTURAL DIFFERENCES by comparing 2 ads or news media from 2 different countries POWER DISTANCE LONG TERM/ SHORT TERM ORIENTATION UNCERTAINTY AVOIDANCE MASCULINITY/ FEMININITY INDIVIDUALISM/ COLLECTIVISM please pick 2 countries, you can use HOFSTEDE’S  charts ( see country comparison)


Discuss at least four categories of family dysfunction that promote delinquent behavior. – The four categories are family breakup, family conflict, family effectiveness and family deviance. Provide an example from current events or create a scenario that is specific to one of the four family models or characteristics show in the video Write a short […]

The Doll HouseThe Doll House

Within A Doll’s House, choose a character (not necessarily the protagonist) whose mind is pulled in conflicting directions by two compelling desires, ambitions, obligations, or influences. Then, identify each of the two conflicting forces and explain how this conflict illuminates the meaning of the work as a whole. (Parental/filial obligations, The role of women, etc.)