Discipline: English

Secondary postsSecondary posts

Respond to both secondary posts in your own words, 1-2 paragraphs EACH, Myst include a Turnitin report, and references are unnecessary. 1.  I think that it is important for human resource management systems to be in sync with an organizations strategy and goals with each other because they include recruitment, training and development, performance appraisal, […]

Secondary postsSecondary posts

Respond two these two secondary posts in 1-2 paragraphs, EACH in your own words. References are not needed. Please include a Turnitin report. 1.   I gained a deeper comprehension of the scientific method, how to formulate research questions, and how to test hypotheses from research methods. Chance to learn new things and learn more […]

Topic SelectionTopic Selection

  In order to explore that fully, we will be selecting a topic and then focusing on it throughout the term.  Your topic must be a problem in the workplace, your community or your school (Pick one area).  It must fit the following criteria: It must be real.  It must be solvable. It must have depth. […]


  Write a news story based on the following information. Use some quotes—choose those that would be most important and revealing. Be sure to use Associated Press style. (There are AP errors in the material.) Use inverted-pyramid format.

Beat Story 2Beat Story 2

  The topic is : Atlanta Government and disbursement of funds Every beat story submitted should include the following:  New and updated information from the interest area. Do not write about something that happened a year ago- that’s no longer news. You are expected to write NEWS from that interest area- things that are currently happening, […]


Spelling: Consonant + le Syllables Name pebble humble double gamble trouble uncle needle fiddle cuddle cradle jungle single marble ramble tackle ankle freckle buckle hustle tangle A. Write the spelling word that matches each definition below. problem move quickly your father’s brother snuggle a little stone only one violin modest or not proud wander handle […]

Argument MLA FormatArgument MLA Format

      4 full pages in MLA format responding to Nicholas Carr’s article “How Smartphones Hijack Our Minds,”  in which you examine your relationship with the smart technology you use. In your body paragraphs, compare Carr’s concerns over smartphone technology with your own experience(s) using this technology. *Directly quote at least three times from Carr’s article […]