Discipline: English

Basic Inverted Pyramid StoryBasic Inverted Pyramid Story

The Topic is HBCU Funding :  Using what you’ve learned in your book, write a 300-500-word inverted-pyramid structured news story on a topic of your choice.  Your story should include information from at least three human sources whom you’ve personally interviewed. The best interview is face-to-face. These sources must be named using both first and […]

English comp 2English comp 2

Employ: Research Process Evaluation Title: Research This course requires the completion of a major research note (8 to 10 content pages, not including the title, abstract and reference page) for the final assignment. In order to do this, the writing must be in a style appropriate for an academic discourse community and the references should […]

Social issues and technologySocial issues and technology

n this unit, you explored the effect of technological advancements on personal privacy and safety. For this assignment, you are asked to choose one (1) type of privacy and/or security breach. You will also need to reference one of the sociological theories described in Unit 1 (Structural Functionalism, Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interactionism). You will create […]

English AssignmentEnglish Assignment

Select a person. Who is your person? Summarize the main points of the contribution or what they are known for? Your reaction- do you agree or disagree with their work and ideas? Application: how would you use this as a manager? Use at least three to four scholarly references other than the textbook. Conduct a […]

One HealthOne Health

– APA format, in-text citation, references include 4 pages for deliverable 1 and fill out the press format for deliverable 2 Deliverable 1  1. Identify a One Health challenge that requires collaboration and coordination. The challenge can be retrospective, prospective, or “just in time”.   2. Apply six OH-SMART steps used to evaluate the One […]

evaluation of processevaluation of process

 Carefully read “Projects, General, Topic 1” at the end of Chapter 19. Revise the instructions (regarding the flat tire) including more detail and at least two graphics. Describe the entire process of changing the tire, not just the procedure for jacking up the vehicle. Present the revised instructions in a memo of no more than […]