Discipline: English


Write a five body paragraph about the causes, the effects, and the potential solutions to stress among college students. write examples from the studen fear factor by Rebecca D. Cox. page 31to 41

Self Care Final JournalSelf Care Final Journal

In at least 250 words, write a journal entry reflecting on how The A-Z Self-Care Handbook for Social Workers and Other Helping Professionals has changed your approach to self-care. How might you incorporate what you have learned in promoting self-care among your clients? Your journal should be based on your reading in The A-Z Self-Care […]

informative speechinformative speech

Instructions: Add to your outline an introduction  that does the following: Provides an effective attention-getter Makes the specific purpose relevant Establishes your credibility as a speaker Creates a  speaker-audience topic connection Presents a thesis and main points Next,  add transitions to connect the major parts of your speech. Add to your outline a  conclusion  that […]

construct a working outlineconstruct a working outline

Please select an informative speech topic for your upcoming informative presentation, which will be four minutes in length.  Your informative speech topic will be on one of the following: an object  (e.g., an artwork, a 3-D printer, etc.) a place (e.g., Iceland, The Brooklyn Bridge, etc.) an event (e.g., Juneteenth, The  Special Olympics, etc.) a […]

Adapting to an an audienceAdapting to an an audience

Questions: What did Katie do to adapt her topic to a general college student audience?  Do you think she did this successfully?  Why or why not? Did Katie come across as a credible speaker on this topic?  Why or why not? Specifically, what did the speaker do to connect with her audience? Were you able […]


Please complete the following steps for your discussion post and response. The thesis statement, claim statement and introductory paragraph are drafted and some of the resources have been summarized, it is time to find additional resources and then determine the relevance of the resources gathered. For the discussion topic this week, Write your introductory paragraph, […]

Social Issues and technologySocial Issues and technology

Social media has replaced the water cooler. As of 2021, seven-in-ten Americans state, when polled, that they use social media to connect with others, engage with news content, share information, and entertain themselves. Social media, however, is relatively new and was relatively unknown just 20 years ago. In this discussion, you are asked to consider […]