Discipline: English

Analyze a speechAnalyze a speech

Questions What sources does she use to support her ideas? Do they reflect multiple perspectives? How would you evaluate her sources? Are they relevant, purposeful, and valid? How does Emily integrate her oral citations? How effective are her oral citations?

Self-Care Journal #6: eXpressive Arts, Yes (and No) Lists, and Zzzz — Sleep for Self-CareSelf-Care Journal #6: eXpressive Arts, Yes (and No) Lists, and Zzzz — Sleep for Self-Care

In at least 250 words, write a journal entry reflecting on eXpressive Arts, Yes (and No) Lists, and Zzzz – Sleep for Self-Care. Your journal should be based on your reading in The A-Z Self-Care Handbook for Social Workers and Other Helping Professionals. Remember to reflect on or discuss how the assigned reading relates to […]

English assignmentEnglish assignment

  , you will write a Methodology assignment, in which you select a research design and method to be used in the study. This design is how YOU plan on conducting your research. This is not how other people conduct research. This should have enough detail so that anyone who reads this could replicate the […]

Premediation ActivitiesPremediation Activities

  This Assignment covers Chapter 4 and Chapter 6 Overview: This assignment covers the activities that begin before the disputants meet face-to-face or online. Given that online video conference mediation is the new normal. The learning objectives focus mainly on the mediation agreements for both face-to-face and online mediation and the online guidelines and ground […]


  Write an application letter and resumé using the prompt in “Projects, General # 1” at the end of Chapter 16 as your focus. Carefully check your format for both the letter and the résumé. For your letter, use the block letter form (Fig. 16.4). For your resumé, follow the instructions for Resumes (16.3) and […]