Discipline: Government

Government and Budget ProcessGovernment and Budget Process

Use bolded statements as headings in your analysis I. Summarize the role of the government in the budget process. II. Analyze the role of the government in correcting externalities (some examples of negative externalities include water/air pollution, farm animal production, traffic congestion) and other market failures (Market failure is an inefficient allocation of resources). III. […]

Policy Memo 1Policy Memo 1

  I have attached pictures of the format. I CAN NOT AFFORD MORE THAN $30!!!!  In this policy memo, you will provide to a mayor, the city council or a state representative background and analysis to support a position recommendation on a current local or state policy issue of your choice. In the role of policy […]

Policy MemoPolicy Memo

   In this policy memo, you will provide to a state and local representative, political party or interest group background and analysis to support a position recommendation on a morality policy of your choice. In the role of policy analyst you are to provide the necessary information and support for a single course of action. […]


  1) Umma. On December 10, 2023, on the social media platform “XLinks to an external site.,” the World Muslim League (WML) reported on Denmark’s changing their speech laws to conform to Islamic legal standards:   The Muslim World League has welcomed the decision of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Denmark to ban the […]

Create TableCreate Table

 Using Table 7.2 (Royse, et al., p.200) as a guide, develop a similar table using the research articles on NEP/SEP provided for the program evaluation assignments (there are 7).  Find and add at least one additional NEP/SEP research article to the research articles covered to this point in the course (should be a minimum of […]


    In Abuse of Language, Abuse of Power, Josef Pieper made the following observation: It is entirely possible that the true and authentic reality is being drowned out by the countless superficial information bits noisily and breathlessly presented in propaganda fashion. Consequently, one may be entirely knowledgeable about a thousand details and nevertheless, because […]


 Examine the evidence for claims that China (or the US or Russia) “produced” COVID.  Do you find any serious evidence for this claim?  Why or why not?  In what ways might adversary nations benefit from the US experiencing a coronavirus – even if they themselves did not weaponize the virus? 


  In what ways is the story of Leonora SIMILAR and DIFFERENT to the story of the Prodigal Son? Is Leonora a prodigal daughter?  Why or why not? How about Leonora’s father?  How do the three stories in Luke, Chapter 15, describe him?   That is, what are some elements that a Christian in particular […]


  What organizations support or assist START in the development of the data set it puts out on terrorism?  Why is it so difficult to define and label terrorism and terrorist activities?  Compare and contrast the issues raised by Englund and Stohl to the issues raised in the terrorism database.  Are the major obstacles to […]