Discipline: Government


  Read the following website https://www.scholastic.com/parents/family-life/parent-child/moving-day-preparing-children-big-move.html and apply a social process theory to further explain the challenges for a child adapting to the transition of moving. Make sure to discuss the theory in detail. 

Government NASA Collaborative Transformation AssignmentGovernment NASA Collaborative Transformation Assignment

During and before the Apollo program years at NASA, it was the primary government organization involved in all space technology decisions. Since the Space Shuttle Program, NASA has been reinvented. It transformed from a closed system with a hierarchy that develops its technologies internally, to an open and collaborative network that promotes innovation and collaboration […]

Goverment 1Goverment 1

part 1. For the chapter 4 Finance current eventOnce you do that, research a recent news article from within the last 6 months that addresses state and local government budgets. answer all  4 questions. For question one, paste the URL of the news article you found from the internet. For question 2 , write a […]

310 W2310 W2

 ****ANSWER POST 250 WORDS MON EACH**** Discussion Questions: 1) Explain at least one key federal plan, strategy, or guidance released to date and how they have contributed to the current structure of critical infrastructure security and resilience.  2) Define risk and explain the value of risk management to the homeland security enterprise. 3) Summarize at […]

300 w2300 w2

  **ANSWER POST 250 WORDS MIN*** Discussion Questions: This week we learned about the importance of a strong research question. Please cite your research question followed by some background information on your topic. Provide at least one reference that was used to develop your research question.  ****REPLY TO EACH POST 100 WORDS MIN EACH**** In […]


  Watch a video on YouTube or other website on a Local issue in your city. Be sure to include the link to the video and make sure the video is at least 3 minutes long. Summarize the points made in the video.   My city is Galveston, Tx. 2. Write a three-paragraph summary of an […]


A) For the chapter 2 current event review the chapter,  research a recent news article from within the last 6 months that addresses federalism and the Supreme Court. Download a copy of the current event template (provided below) and answer all  4 questions. For question one, paste the URL of the news article you found […]

Texas bills of rightsTexas bills of rights

 Texas Bills of Rights attached Read the Texas Bill of Rights from Article I of the Texas Constitution (http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us/Docs/CN/htm/CN.1.htm). Pick any of the sections from the Texas Bill of Rights  What is the right that is mentioned? What does it mean (in your own words)? Find a Supreme Court case (US or Texas) dealing with […]