Discipline: Government

Texas GovernmentTexas Government

 Where does Texas rank in the U.S. in terms of cost, accessibility and quality of health care? How does your county rank? Write an editorial on what you see as the major health care concern within your county. The assigned county is Shelby county. PLEASE THIS IS A TEXAS GOVERNMENT CLASS. SHELBY COUNTY IS THE […]

Texas governmentTexas government

 8. Health care is a major concern in the United States. Where does Texas rank in the U.S. in terms of cost, accessibility and quality of health care? How does your county rank? Write an editorial on what you see as the major health care concern within your county .(CT/SR/CM/PR)  At least 5 pages long

gov 2gov 2

  I. What factors influence voter turnout and registration? (Minimum one to two paragraphs long, 5 to 6 sentences for each paragraph)  Use these sources to answer the following question:   https://www.keranews.org/texas-news/2022-11-10/texas-election-turnout-dropped-again-this-year-experts-arent-surprised https://www.texastribune.org/2022/10/28/texas-2022-election-turnout-tracker/ https://oertx.highered.texas.gov/courseware/lesson/1103/overview#:~:text=Voter%20Turnout%20in%20Texas&text=Overall%2C%20voter%20turnout%20among%20the,than%20the%20turnout%20increase%20nationwide.  II. How does Gerrymandering impact elections and representation? (Minimum one to two paragraphs long, 5 to 6 sentences for each paragraph)   Use […]

gov 2gov 2

 It is mandatory to use the provided sources. External sources are not accepted.   Based on the data presented in your table and the assigned readings, how would you rate Texas’s voter turnout during elections (Presidential and Gubernatorial/Midterm elections)? Use these sources to answer the following question: https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/historical/70-92.shtml https://www.texastribune.org/2022/11/10/texas-voter-turnout-2022/ https://www.texascounties.net/statistics/electioncomparison2020to2016.htm https://www.brookings.edu/research/turnout-in-2020-spiked-among-both-democratic-and-republican-voting-groups-new-census-data-shows/ Your data should be presented […]

Slide Slow/Case StudySlide Slow/Case Study

 Read Chapter 14 of the Scandura (2022) text.The Case Study 14.1  please create a PowerPoint presentation.  .This is where you put all of the previous weekly assignments together to complete a 12-18 slide PowerPoint presentation that discusses confronting social problems. Aside from the outline provided below, you are free to choose the topic. You could […]

Case StudyCase Study

 Read Chapter13 of the Scandura (2022) text.   You will only be addressing one case study and its discussion questions.  You will use the discussion questions (or an abbreviation of them) as the heading correctly formatted in center, bold, and title caps. The textbook is a starting off point. To complete this assignment correctly and […]

Case StudyCase Study

 Focusing on the Case Study 10.1 (p. 274)  addressing the discussion questions at the end of the case study you choose.  You will use the discussion questions (or an abbreviation of them) as the heading correctly formatted in center, bold, and title caps. The textbook is a starting off point. To complete this assignment correctly […]

Leadership Guided ChangeLeadership Guided Change

After reading the Case Study of Wilberforce Anti-slavery Campaign, suggest Christian Strategies for managing change in the public sector. (Reference some case study instances to substantiate the suggested strategies.) Apply at least 1 biblical passage that speaks to change.  Explain why you picked the passage and what it means to you.