Discipline: Government


Review Video Write a 500 word documentary review concerning the content of the documentary in response to the following question prompt: Question prompt: “How does “Were Doing Elections Wrong” supplement your understanding of America’s electoral process? Does the majority actually determine presidential election outcomes? Defend and explain your answer.”

Module 6: Group DiscussionModule 6: Group Discussion

  Module 4 through 7 has an associated group discussion that should focus on discussing the course content for that Module. Each discussion will span the two-weeks of the Module. Each student is required to make an initial post during the first week of the Module (i.e., the first Wednesday through Tuesday of the Module) […]

government interest groupsgovernment interest groups

 Assignment Concerning  Special Interest Groups, Lobbying and American politics.  Question prompt: “How do collective action problems serve as barriers to group formation, mobilization, and maintenance? If you were a group leader, how might you try to overcome these problems?” Be sure to type and submit your 300 word minimum reply to this discussion forum prompt.


  Assignment Instructions  1. After you have completed the assigned reading for Module 2, go to https://www.hofstede-insights.com/product/compare-countries/ and enter “United States” in the country search box.  This will create a graphic showing the U.S. values for six cultural dimensions developed by Geert Hofstede.   2. Choose a foreign country that interests you, but which you have never visited.   […]

U.S GovernmentU.S Government

1)  How did Brown v. Board of Education change public education?  Has the promise of Brown v. Board of Education been realized?  Support your position with reference to a current event. Remember to keep your post academic in nature and relevant to the question. (1 Paragraph 4-5 Sentences, 1 scholarly resource) 2) What fundamental legal […]