Discipline: Government

texas governmenttexas government

Directions:  Answer each of the following questions. Be sure to use complete sentences when answering the questions.  Cite your sources as appropriate. Your answer to each question should be several paragraphs.  Please double space your answers.   1.  Identify and discuss the primary sources of tax revenue in Texas?  Is it wise to rely so […]


 ****REPLY TO POST 100 WORDS MIN**** There are many ways to deter subject from entering a storage property you may own in several ways. In this discussion board I will explain just a couple of those ways I have personally done and some I have found to be effective for other people. Deter: For my […]

texas governmenttexas government

 2.  Texas is full of Independent School Districts (ISDs).  What is the basic structure of an ISD?  Should Texas continue to use ISDs?  As Texas grows should we adopt a more centralized system?  Be sure to identify  the pros and cons of the current system and any proposed new system. 

texas governmenttexas government

Directions:  Answer each of the following questions. Be sure to use complete sentences when answering the questions.  Cite your sources as appropriate. Your answer to each question should be several paragraphs.  Please double space your answers.   1.  What is the difference between a home rule and a general law city?  How do these forms […]


  Module 8 Assignment: Capstone Portfolio. In this assignment, you will show what progress you have made in meeting the learning outcomes for the Organizational Leadership degree. Use the information on the page Preparing for the Module 8 Assignment to guide your work. Portfolio Components For each of the four ORGL degree outcomes, provide the following: […]


1)After reading and understanding the types of leadership behaviors from Montgomery Van Wart (task-orientedd,people-oriented, and organization- oriented), evaluate them. 2)Consider biblical principles that should shape our behaviors. 3)Then consider the additional effect of the organization and political influences on leadership decision-making process. 4) Finally, apply at least 1 biblical passage that speaks to decision-making. Explain […]

respond 2respond 2

  The time I had a bad boss was when I used to work at an arcade. My boss would be day drinking and didn’t care what his employees were doing and on certain occasions, he would sometimes ask some of his employees to drink with him. When the district manager was in town, and […]


  In my professional journey, I faced the challenges of working under a difficult boss, an experience that unfortunately, I had to deal with because I can’t leave the military. This situation, rather than discouraging me, became a source of motivation for personal and professional development (Jackson, 2019). The traits of this challenging boss, including […]