Discipline: Government

government helpgovernment help

Compose a written response to the given prompt containing a minimum of 150 words. After you have posted your discussion, respond thoughtfully to the Discussion Topic posts of at least two other classmates. Be sure to follow the Rubric attached at the bottom.

Political ParticipationPolitical Participation

 Political Participation *Please make sure to write a well-considered response of at least 200 words and then respond to one classmate in a substantive and respectful way. Remember, you do not have to agree with the views presented, only respond in a respectful way.* One of the factors for people not voting is “not knowing” […]

texas governmenttexas government

 Directions: Answer each of the following questions. Be sure to use complete  sentences when answering the questions. Cite your sources as appropriate. Your  answer to each question should be SEVERAL paragraphs. Please double space your  answers.  1. What is the major difference between the permanent and temporary party structure in Texas? Why  is the precinct […]

Discussion PostDiscussion Post

Discussion 3 – Money in Politic Discussion – Review the Influence of money on American Politics.     •    Compare the fundraising for two candidates for President of the the USA for 2024.     •    Find a news article that discusses the issue to include in your review.     •    Mention how much of the money is local and how much is […]


  QUESTION ONE:  Reality Dislocation?  “It is entirely possible that the true and authentic reality is being drowned out by countless superficial information bits noisily and breathlessly presented in propaganda fashion. Consequently, one may be entirely knowledgeable about a thousand details and nevertheless, because of ignorance regarding the core of the matter, remain without basic […]

Case StudyCase Study

Read Chapters 3 and 4 of the Scandura (2022) text. Focusing on the Case Study 3.1  addressing the discussion questions at the end of the case study you choose.  You will use the discussion questions (or an abbreviation of them) as the heading correctly formatted in center, bold, and title caps. The textbook is a […]

goveme todaygoveme today

1. Speed limits and drinking ages fall under the police powers of state government, yet the national government has established maximum speed limits and uniform drinking ages.  How is it possible for the national government to encroach on the reserved powers of the states? (300 word minimum) 2. How did early Supreme Court decisions, such […]

gov todaygov today

(250 words) The subject of your original post will be: Relate the advantages and disadvantages of using a traditional bureaucracy to deliver public services. Please provide examples to support your opinion.


 please review the sections on Bureaucracy as Policy Implementer and Bureaucracy as Policymaker. Once you do that, research a recent news article from within the last 6 months that addresses a state or local governments attempt to make or implement a policy. Download a copy of the current event template (provided below) and answer all  […]