Discipline: Government


research a recent news article from within the last 6 months that addresses state judicial elections or appointments. Download a copy of the current event template (provided below) and answer all  4 questions. For question one, paste the URL of the news article you found from the internet. For question 2 , write a 250 […]

Discussion – The JudiciaryDiscussion – The Judiciary

 *Please make sure to write a well-considered response of at least 200 words and then respond to one classmate in a substantive and respectful way. Remember that you do not have to agree with any views presented, only respectfully respond.* Consider the concepts of “judicial activism” and “judicial restraint.”  Can you give examples of each? […]


General Instructions (for all assignments) The assignment needs to be 2 pages, not including the “References” page. Use the attached student sample below. You can download it, and use the formatting. Use Word (docx). At the top of the first page, type the title of the assignment, M1: Assignment. Do not include any other information. […]

Perinatal WorkforcePerinatal Workforce

 The Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act (focus on this bill – Grow and diversify the perinatal workforce to ensure that every mom in America receives culturally congruent maternity care and support)  (Perinatal Workforce)  Some ideas: Problem that led to this bill. Interest groups are supporting or opposing this legislation, and any other information they believe […]

My voice at the capitolMy voice at the capitol

  Your elected officials. An important aspect of civic engagement is knowing who is your voice in policy making, both in Congress and in your state capitol.  This assignment is to help you become familiar with those individuals, particularly important if the results of the election changed who represents you. To learn who represents you […]

Pad 2Pad 2

  In this assignment, you will examine IGOs, their formation, their functions, their differences from NGOs, and their effectiveness. Instructions 3-4 pages Define IGOs and NGOs. Compare their roles in global civil society. Explain why IGOs that are formed by treaties are more advantageous and effective than a grouping of sovereign nations. Provide examples. IGOs […]


  Instructions Step 1: Complete the InteractiveLinks to an external site. to learn about the roles and responsibilities in urban planning. Then, read through each of the scenarios. Step 2: Download and complete the assignment template Download assignment template. Answer the questions for each scenario using the template provided. For each scenario, you will answer: […]

The Federal BureaucracyThe Federal Bureaucracy

  Please make sure to a well-considered response of at least 200 words and then respond to one classmate in a substantive and respectful way. Remember, you do not have to agree with the views presented, only respectfully respond to them.* With the rise of out-sourcing government work to private-sector organizations, the debate arises as […]

American GovAmerican Gov

  Instructions for M6: Assignment State governments are organized similarly to the federal government. In Maryland, the legislative branch is called the General Assembly (instead of Congress), and it includes the state Senate and the state House of Delegates (instead of the House of Representatives).  Review the organization of the General Assembly at Organization of […]