Discipline: Government

Government assignmentGovernment assignment

 “The location of district lines decide which voters vote for which representative. Changing the lines will change the relevant voters, and can change the identity, allegiance, and political priorities of a district’s representative, and of the legislative delegation as a whole.”    To what extent should legislators use race when redistricting? Does Gerrymandering undermine democracy […]


using provided source https://redistricting.lls.edu/redistricting-101/why-should-we-care/ https://www.texastribune.org/2020/12/29/texas-redistricting-2021/ https://redistricting.capitol.texas.gov/ https://www.brookings.edu/articles/gerrymandering-and-how-to-fix-i make a persuasive case focusing on three key issues: To what extent should legislators use race when redistricting? Does Gerrymandering undermine democracy by letting legislators, who are supposed to be democratically elected, choose their voters instead? What reforms in redrawing the district lines, would make the legislature more […]

government discussiongovernment discussion

Compose a written response to the given prompt containing a minimum of 150 words. After you have posted your discussion, respond thoughtfully to the Discussion Topic posts of at least two other classmates. Be sure to follow the Rubric attached at the bottom. From the website https://www.congress.gov/, click on a Bill that interests you, either from the Top 10 […]

300 W6300 W6

****ANSWER POST 250 WORDS MIN****  Discussion Questions: In this week’s lesson we saw the harm that researchers can cause their human subjects. Many of the examples that are used to highlight this harm come from the experimental method which is popular in the field of psychology. However, researchers who engage with human subjects can cause […]

310 W6310 W6

 ****ANSWER POST 250 WORDS MIN*** Discussion Questions: 1) Define leadership, in your own words, and then discuss why it is critical for responding to disease crises. 2) Elaborate on one infectious disease, except for Covid-19, that devasted our nation (from colonial America to the present) by briefly describing what it was, how it was treated […]


PART I Once you do that, research a recent news article from within the last 6 months related to one of the types of power held by a governor . Download a copy of the current event template (provided below) and answer all  4 questions. For question one, paste the URL of the news article […]

The National Academy of Public Administration (NAPAThe National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA

Recently, The National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) completed a study of the future of intergovernmental management and relations in the U.S.   Discuss the following concerns The Academy developed during its study: What are the critical intergovernmental challenges that need to be addressed?  What are the current barriers to effective consultation and collaboration at […]


 Description and Analysis of two Current Events in the Courtroom Workgroup OR Institutional Corrections.  Again, make sure the two incidents involve similar issues, e.g., prosecutorial misconduct.  Do NOT choose one involving members of the courtroom workgroup and the other correctional officers.  Follow the Directions in the Course Syllabus and proofread carefully prior to submitting your […]


Watch The Congress Video – https://fod.infobase.com/OnDemandEmbed.aspx?token=41083&wID=95566&plt=FOD&loid=0&w=640&h=480&fWidth=660&fHeight=530 This video presents a detailed looked at the history and daily operation of the Congress of the United States. After watching the video, do the following: Identify one historic fact that you were unaware of. Discuss the impact of this event and explain how it relates to the United […]