Discipline: History - American history

American identityAmerican identity

This week, you have examined the growth of American identity. One expression of the unity was a colonial-wide revival known as the Great Awakening. The “Great Awakening” historical readings for this week revealed that people had diverse opinions about the Awakening. Drawing evidence from the historical readings for this week, compose an initial post focused on […]

Jacksonian EraJacksonian Era

This week, you have examined the Jacksonian Era. The “Democracy in America” historical readings for this week demonstrated the spread of democratic ideals in many segments of American society. Drawing evidence from the historical readings for this week, compose an initial post based on the following thesis. Be sure to use the discussion guidelines/requirements posted […]


As you’ve learned in this week’s resources, the people of the U. S. experienced many changes in society and politics at this time. President Nixon took a step never seen before when he resigned; and the country took another unprecedented move when President Ford took office, having not been elected Vice President. President Carter was […]

history document analysishistory document analysis

  14.5 Doc Analysis: Secession 4545 unread replies.4545 replies. Document Analysis: Secession Please read Mississippi’s Ordinance of Secession. Available below: A Declaration of the Immediate Causes which Induce and Justify the Secession of the State of Mississippi from the Federal Union. In the momentous step which our State has taken of dissolving its connection with […]

Soviets and terroristsSoviets and terrorists

 draw comparisons between the severity of the Soviet and terrorist threats.  The Soviet threat should be considered in the context of the start of the Cold War, 1945-1955.  How were the threats different/similar? Which threat was more serious?  Offer an opinion, based on the relevant historical evidence.  This is your argument, prove the argument with […]


It is clear the New Frontier and the Great Society were a commitment of hope and promise, but did everyone in the U. S. benefit from that hope and promise? Why weren’t these presidential initiatives successful for all? What were the reasons behind the ultimate failure of the Great Society?


As you’ve seen in this week’s resources, the end of World War II had far-reaching consequences for the United States and the rest of the world. The United States and the USSR became the two leading powers filling the leadership void left after the war.  What were the causes of the Cold War? How did […]