Discipline: History - American history


  Election 1828 Were you surprised by the tone of this election? How does this compare to elections in modern times? To receive full credit for this assignment your post must: SEE UPLOADED FILE FOR A COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT AND INSTRUCTION, PLEASE.


   George Washington’s Farewell Address:  What advice did President Washington have for the country? Why would he offer this advice at that time? Have we followed his advice? SEE UPLOADED FILE FOR COMPLETE QUESTION AND INSTRUCTIONS, PLEASE. PLEASE BE THOROUGH IN YOUR SUBMISSION. THANK YOU  

discussion # 3 amhdiscussion # 3 amh

 After you have completed your readings, post your response to ONE of the following questions:  Were the Black Codes another form of slavery?    Based on Okten’s statements, discuss how the sharecropping/crop lien system created a vicious cycle.  Was this system simply another version of slavery?  Why or why not.    Consider the following statement:  “The persistence of […]

discussion 2 amhdiscussion 2 amh

Review and identify relevant information on the linked PBS American Experience site, Reconstruction The Second Civil War White Men UniteLinks to an external site. State by State: Reconstruction timelineDownload State by State: Reconstruction timeline This link will direct you to the full transcript of the Wade-Davis Bill.Links to an external site.  What does it suggest […]

discussion 1 amhdiscussion 1 amh

How did Enlightenment Era thought to influence the Declaration of Independence? In your answer, be sure to address how political thought evolved during the Enlightenment Era and how those shifts are represented within the Declaration of Independence.    2. Are Enlightenment ideals still relevant as a guiding force in current American society?  How so? In […]


 Write a page about what you learned this semester in american history 1302 class. What surprised you the most? What topics did you like the most? How do you think people 100 years from now will learn about this time in history? 


   The Sons of Liberty staged acts of resistance against the British government and agitated for revolution. Their tactics at times have led some to categorize them as a terrorist group. After reviewing the textbook and sources on the Sons of Liberty, the writings of Samuel Adams, and given what was taking place at the […]


   In the last couple of decades, certain incidents or moments have become litmus tests for larger historical understandings. The arrival of Columbus to the New World is one such event. Both historians and the public at large have debated the meaning of Columbus’ voyages and his legacy. In this journal, please explain what you […]