Discipline: History - American history


   During the “starving time” at Jamestown, from 1609 to 1610, many colonists died from a variety of problems within the colony. The leadership of Jamestown was fractured, Powhatan Indians continued a raiding campaign against the fort, and there was a significant food shortage. What do you think was the most important failure of the […]

History – American history Voices of Freedom Writing Assignment (Ch. 17)History – American history Voices of Freedom Writing Assignment (Ch. 17)

  Read: The Populist Platform (1892) Paragraph 1: What  does the Omaha platform identify as the main threats to American liberty? Read: William Birney, “Deporting Mohammedans” (1897) Paragraph 2: Why does Birney think that the action of the immigration officials sets a dangerous precedent? Paragraph 3: Why does he think that toleration is likely to […]

Passionate Travel in KenyaPassionate Travel in Kenya

   Kenya is a destination that offers a wide range of unique and exciting travel experiences for passionate travellers. Here are some ideas for passionate travel in Kenya: Wildlife Safaris: Kenya is renowned for its wildlife and offers some of the best wildlife safaris in Africa. You can witness the annual wildebeest migration in the […]

American Landscape “Burnwell”: Sherman’s March from the Sea and the Long-Term Cost of DevastationAmerican Landscape “Burnwell”: Sherman’s March from the Sea and the Long-Term Cost of Devastation

  Read pages 476-477 2. Include background information (who, what, when, where and why) on the article’s purpose, and then respond to the below: 3. Cities, railroads, and the slave holding elite proved resilient after the war, but did the countryside and poor whites recover from the war? 4. Today we have a better understanding […]

Book critiqueBook critique

Book Critique #1: White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Anderson,Carol. ISBN 13 : 9781632864130  Your assignment is to read the book and consider the following assertion (thesis) made by the author, Carol Anderson. The thesis is the main point that a writer is trying to prove. Your job after reading it is to write […]