Discipline: History - American history

Introducton to American HistoryIntroducton to American History

   identify five people or events that are important to American history.  Your completed assignment will, therefore, include a total of 20 people or events. Provide a picture to illustrate each person or event that you are identifying. Provide the sources that you used in completing this assignment. • Part #1: Read Chapter 22: Identify […]

Discussion #6: Did America really practice isolation and neutrality during WWI?Discussion #6: Did America really practice isolation and neutrality during WWI?

In 1914 Woodrow Wilson proclaimed U.S. neutrality, and asked the American people to remain “impartial in thought as well as deed.” At the end of the war, some members of the government pushed to expand American influence but to also remain free of any commitments, a policy its critics referred to as isolationism. Answer the […]

The women’s suffrage movementThe women’s suffrage movement

The Progressive-era stands out as a time when reformers sought to address social ills brought about by a rapidly changing society. Debates surrounded issues such as political corruption, the regulation of business practices, racial equality, women’s suffrage, and the living conditions of impoverished immigrants overcrowded into urban slums.   When it came to the issue of […]

introduction to American Historyintroduction to American History

  identify five people or events that are important to American history.  Your completed assignment will, therefore, include a total of 15 people or events. Provide a picture to illustrate each person or event that you are identifying. Provide the sources that you used in completing this assignment. • Part #1: Read Chapter 19;  Identify […]

Introducton to American HistoryIntroducton to American History

  identify five people or events that are important to American history.  Your completed assignment will, therefore, include a total of 15 people or events. Provide a picture to illustrate each person or event that you are identifying. Provide the sources that you used in completing this assignment. • Part #1: Read Chapter 16; Identify […]

Living HistoryLiving History

Write a letter from the perspective of a person who lived through an important historical event, innovation, or movement during the 19th or 20th century. Describe that event, innovation, or movement as if you were someone who actually experienced it, and discuss the potential impact of historical events on the future