Discipline: History - American history

Discussion 350 word minimumDiscussion 350 word minimum

Prompt One of the most interesting aspects of the Washington administration was the rivalry between Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson and Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton. Their rivalry had a profound impact on our political system in that it led to the creation of the First Party System where followers of Hamilton became the Federalists while […]

HIST 103 DB4HIST 103 DB4

ANSWER ONE OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN AT LEAST 250 WORDS, GIVING A BRIEF, DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE TOPIC OF CHOICE, INCLUDE CITATIONS: Answer only ONE of the below questions: Discuss General George Washington (as commander of the Continental Army) Why was the Battle of Saratoga important? Who was John Paul Jones? Who was Baron […]

United States ConstitutionUnited States Constitution

 Read “Congressional Leaders Push for Oversight of Judiciary” from the University Library. Write 350 to 525 words on the following: Summarize the issue presented in the article. Explain whether or not you think the issue pushes against the governmental separation of powers that is in place. Cite any sources to support your assignment. Format your sources according to APA guidelines.

United States ConstitutionUnited States Constitution

To be an active participant in our democracy and in your community, it’s important to be knowledgeable about the origins and development of the U.S. Constitution along with the context of the times in which it was written. On the Influences on the U.S. Constitution Worksheet, explain the historical, political, philosophical, and economic influences on […]