Discipline: History - American history

history document analysishistory document analysis

Need help with my US History document analysis assignment. Please don’t use big fancy words or make it sound super over the top like a history genius did this. Just a paragraph or 2, basic answers.   9.5 Doc Analysis: Democracy & the Family 4343 unread replies.4343 replies. Democracy Analysis: Democracy & the Family Read […]


1.   The discussion for this week is on the video clip on New York’s growing trade and manufacturing in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.  The prompt for this weeks discussion is: What change described in this video had the greatest impact on New York and why?  New York Disc 1 06 Trade […]


As you have seen from the readings, sources, and media this week, the U.S. became an industrial society. This meant businesses needed not only workers to support their industrial might, but also overseas markets to increase profits. Using all of this week’s resources, discuss American imperialism in the broader sense of a global perspective. What […]

19 2019 20

1.   Comparing and Contextualizing Totalitarianism, Analyzing the context of Totalitarianism Read Primary Sources 19.1, 19.2 and 19.3 and answer the following: How does Arendt’s view of totalitarianism apply to the three subsequent documents? To which document does the term totalitarian seem most appropriate? To which does it apply least well? What role do ordinary […]

17 1817 18

1.   Watch this video on the Boxer Rebellion Links to an external site.(https://www.youtube.com/watch?si=Y-18lUI8ZBnuxhxe&v=JSe8FmYlYdk&feature=youtu.be)Review this website https://omniatlas.com/maps/asia-pacific/19000616/Links to an external site. These will help you gain insight to the topic.  Create a two-column chart that explains the events of the Boxer Rebellion through the perspectives described in the featured sources. Sources: Excerpt from Fei Ch’i-hao’s […]

Salem Which TrialsSalem Which Trials

How did Salem witchcraft trials reflect attitudes toward women, and the status of women in New England? Why were colonial New Englanders willing to believe the accusations? And finally, what contemporary parallels are there to the Salem witchcraft trials?

Respond to Hanna PostRespond to Hanna Post

Prompt: “The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) and the Native corporation system have been good for Alaska Natives.” The complexity of the ANCSA was good to Alaska Natives for the most part because it was a fair settlement for them. Since the land was used, a total of 44 million acres, ($1 billion dollars) […]