Discipline: History - American history

Respond To David PostRespond To David Post

Good evening class, The Boston Busing Crisis was an intense period in the city’s history, full of violence and racial tensions. However, in the long run I think the busing policy played a crucial role in desegregating Boston’s public schools, providing equal educational opportunities for minority students, and set the stage for racial healing and […]

Respond to Corey PostRespond to Corey Post

I support the statement of: In the long run, busing helped Boston because it desegregated the school system, provided equal educational opportunity for minority students, and set the stage for racial healing and an improved racial climate in the twenty-first century.  When Boston began using the busing system in the 1970’s it open many opportunities […]


1.   Explain the goals of Islamic revitalization movements such as Wahhabism in the Arabian Peninsula and dan Fodio’s movement in West Africa. How were these programs affected by the new world order? What alternative did Islamic revitalization propose? 2.   Read Primary Source 16.5 and answer the following: According to Marx and Engels, how […]

Due tomorrow 10/8Due tomorrow 10/8

 Using the U.S. Census documents provided,  Historical Census Population by Race.pdf Historical Census Population by Race.pdf – Alternative Formats pages 43-93 only, review the information related to the state of your chosen destination city. Then, in 1-2 pages detail the change in demographics undergone by the state’s black and white population. What year did census […]


1.   EXTRA CREDIT Hello All,  Last night Matt Gaetz introduced a motion to remove McCarthy as Speaker of the House,it was voted on today and can be watched here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3djdvO2zV0        and read about here https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/live-blog/house-speaker-kevin-mccarthy-vote-live-updates-rcna118610   There is an opportunity to earn extra credit, 20 points worth, by answering the following questions: Who […]

Side PanelExpand side panel 6-1 Discussion: Supporting a Thesis StatementSide PanelExpand side panel 6-1 Discussion: Supporting a Thesis Statement

Based on your reading in the webtext, select and respond to one of the following thesis statements. Your response should be two to three paragraphs long and should include your position on the issue. Cite at least three specific pieces of historical evidence. In the long run, busing helped Boston because it desegregated the school […]


1.   Using primary source 15.4, answer the following: Analyze Douglass’s use of the term citizens. What is the significance of citizenship? Analyze the role of patriotism in this document. Is this a patriotic speech? Explain the significance of capital punishment in this document. 2.   What are the three most important things of The Bill […]