Discipline: History - American history

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Master chief petty officer of the navy  list all us master chief petty officers of the navy and what they have contributed to the navy. start presentation with how and why nato was formed. need PowerPoint and at least 4 references  need objectives and overview Of what will be taught off of slides 

American HistoryAmerican History

 As the Vietnam War dragged on, more and more Americans turned against the conflict. How did the antiwar movement grow in influence and how was it reflective of a larger youth revolt, the so-called “counterculture” movement? Make sure you refer to the following readings for additional support: The Port Huron Statement (Reading 182), Paul Potter […]

American HistoryAmerican History

  The Triumph of Conservatism? Starting in the 1970s, there was backlash against the social and cultural changes that had taken place in the 1960s. President Reagan was elected as a conservative president, though in many ways he proved to be a disappointment. By the 1990s, new cultural conflicts seemed to show that conservatives had […]

American HistoryAmerican History

   Each question should be 250 words How did the experiences of African Americans during World War II lay the foundation for the modern civil rights movement? 2.  The civil rights movement gained momentum in the 1950s, nearly 90 years after Reconstruction. Explain why the movement finally took off in the 1950s. What caused it […]

From Selma to MontgomeryFrom Selma to Montgomery

  From Selma to Montgomery Using Chapter 8 of Eyes on the Prize, discuss how the march from Selma to Montgomery in 1965 became a victory march for much of the early civil rights movement while also revealing how much more was left to accomplish. How did the march led by Martin Luther King Jr. embrace […]


 Analyze the work’s or author’s/artist’s/composer’s contributions to the humanities (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs) from any one from the below list: Literature/Philosophy: 1.  Mary Wilkins Freeman, “A New England Nun,” 1891 (short story). 2.  Eliza Potter, Author’s Appeal and Chapter 1 of A Hairdresser’s Experience in High Life, 1859 (memoir). Art/Architecture: 1.  Edmonia Lewis, Old […]

Answer three out of the six questions presented below. Each answer should be a minimum of 250 words, single spaced,Answer three out of the six questions presented below. Each answer should be a minimum of 250 words, single spaced,

 Answer three out of the six questions presented below. Each answer should be a minimum of 250 words, single spaced  Examine the restrictions placed on freedom during World War I. Be sure to analyze Debs’ Speech to the Jury (Reading 133) and Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes’ opinion (Reading 134), the role of the Committee on […]


Submit your sources for Assignment 1. Save each one as a separate .PDF with a file name in this format:  “Author’s last name_Title of Document” (can be a short version of the title). In the PDF of each source, please make sure to include the following: Title page of the source Copyright page of the […]