Discipline: History - World history

HIS 101 Packback DiscussionHIS 101 Packback Discussion

How and why did religion become a central part of early Mesopotamian, Egyptian, and Greek civilizations? Week 1: January 15  Early Western Civilization  Hunt and Lualdi Ch. 1  January 15 Holiday, No Class    Required Films: Guns, Germs, and Steel—Out of Eden (54:00); Survival: History of the World (58:00); First Civilizations (Parts 1 and 2—War […]

Group identityGroup identity

Analyze how that group’s identity has been constructed through its location in a historical narrative and show how that historical understanding has been transmitted through one specific literary text. 

field dayfield day

as you explored the Brooklyn Musuem. Please write about your experience here. You can guide yourself by answering the following questions:  Was it your first time at the Brooklyn Musuem? What did you think about the museum overall?  Tell me about the Africa Fashion Exhibit. What was the purpose of the exhibit? What did you […]

Travel planTravel plan

I am visiting Australia Melbourne city, I need a one-page travel plan to say what I am going to do where and visit and how to spend my 15 days’ vacation in Melbourne (Like visiting friends, going to Musume, going to nature, parks and so on…

History – World history History assignment psychologyHistory – World history History assignment psychology

Imperialism 2 *bonus The following readings are assigned to everyone. You may choose to collect up to 5 bonus points toward your final grade by also participating in a discussion on these readings. Telegraphs and Territoriality in Ottoman Africa and Arabia…Imperialism.pdfDownload Telegraphs and Territoriality in Ottoman Africa and Arabia…Imperialism.pdf Uncommunicative Communication Competing…Imperial Ventures 19th c […]


During a general election, a resident in The Woodlands could potentially vote for the offices of State Representative, State Senator, U.S. Representative, and/or U.S. Senator. This is an example of:

History – World history History assignment psychologyHistory – World history History assignment psychology

Imperialism Use the links below for the readings for this discussion:  Cecil Rhodes, “Confession of Faith.“(1877) Winston Churchill, excerpts from The River War: An Account of the Conquest of the Sudan. (1902)  Mohandas K. Gandhi, excerpts from Hind Swarj. (Indian Home Rule, 1910) For this module’s discussion, read each of the primary source excerpts above, then choose ONE of the […]