Discipline: History - World history

Unit 4 DB: Religion and EmpireUnit 4 DB: Religion and Empire

 Between 500 and 800 CE, the Byzantine and Islamic empires were the most powerful forces in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. Each had a single ruler (the Byzantine emperor and the Islamic caliph) and each sought to spread a monotheistic faith (Christianity and Islam). Choose either the Byzantine or Islamic empires and identify […]


1.  The civilization that I chose to write about is Mesopotamia. I believe that their natural environment allowed for the best growth in a complex society. With its rich rivers’ the Tigris and Euphrates, it allowed them to have fertile land, which allowed for crops to be abundant. Also, this allowed their civilization to stay […]

Unit 2 DB: Origin of CivilizationsUnit 2 DB: Origin of Civilizations

 Chose one of the three parts of the world where civilization first developed, Mesopotamia, Egypt, or China, and describe what about their natural environment allowed for the growth of a complex society. Then describe three features of the civilization that you have chosen: its government, its writing system, and a cultural achievement (art, architecture, or […]

Latin AmericaLatin America

  History is written with surviving documents – how do the documents that historians use to write the early history of Atlantic exploration and “discovery” affect our understanding of this moment?  What accounts do we have that tell us about the experience and intentions of explorers and conquerors – and what accounts do we have about […]

french revolution and Napoleonfrench revolution and Napoleon

    Compose one twelve to fifteen-page research , students will submit  their research  that includes a thesis statement, a list of sources (primary and secondary) to be used, and a breakdown of the themes to be developed through the . Besides having a title and footnotes, the assignment  should include a bibliography. Title pages and […]