Discipline: Human Resource Management


. Havi Carel discusses how two philosophers (Descartes and Merleau-Ponty) each see the relationship between mind and body. In your own words, explain both Descartes and Merleau-Ponty, then identify which of them Carel herself prefers.  2. What’s the difference between the “biological body” and the “lived body,” according to Havi Carel? How does she use this distinction to make sense of […]

Discussion 3Discussion 3

In 600–850 words: Conduct research to identify examples of innovative benefit practices. A useful starting point is an Internet search using phrases such as “best companies to work for.” What are some of the more innovative benefits practices that you found? Explain.. For each thread, you must support your assertions with citations in current APA […]

Plagiarism free -PleasePlagiarism free -Please

  Describe why operations management discipline emerged (at least two paragraphs). Identify one service industry example (e.g., Bank of America) where operations management may play a significant role. Explain the type of operations management activities are performed at this organization. Describe the services it offers with specific examples and factors that contribute to its productivity.  […]


  Week 7 Discussion – Training and Organizational Learning Please respond to the following: Give your opinion on the major differences between training and organizational learning. Next, outline a plan to transition an organization with which you are familiar from learning in the organization to learning by the organization. Defend the core reasons why you […]

Social Policy ResearchSocial Policy Research

 Now that you have a strong grasp of some significant social policy issues that often trigger political debates, you will locate and examine other sources of information. Researching this information will broaden your knowledge base and strengthen your ability to conduct research and write about it.