Discipline: Human Resource Management

week 3 discussionweek 3 discussion

You are designing a direct marketing campaign for an online clothing retailer. As part of your design, you quantify the expected response rates by ethnic group. Your definition of the term “ethnicity” follows that of the U.S. Census Bureau (e.g., Hispanic, Asian, African American, etc.). You want to test your campaign using 1,000 randomly selected […]


Although medical technology brings numerous benefits, what have been some of the main challenges posed by the growing use of medical technology in the United States? Next, how do American cultural beliefs and values influence the use of medical technology, to include cost containment efforts?


Compare and contrast 2 of the following major types of health services professionals: physicians, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and certified nurse midwives. Include their roles, training, practice requirements, practice settings, policy impact, and workforce issues. Discuss the interrelationship between medical providers and professional and the patients they serve with the context of […]

Discussion IIDiscussion II

Most organizations of varying sizes tend to emphasize market competitive pay systems (re-read pp.156-157). What do you believe is most important for a company’s competitive advantage with people by way of compensation and benefits: internal consistency or market competitiveness? Explain. In contrast, after reading and doing some research, can companies easily develop compensation that is […]


4 Units with Multiple Lessons in each of Multiple Choices Questions. Would need to log in and complete and get a passing grade/percentage. Will provide info once bid is accepted.