Discipline: Human Resource Management

Wk 1 – Apply: Corporate Entrepreneurship AssessmentWk 1 – Apply: Corporate Entrepreneurship Assessment

  Choose 1 of the following Fortune 500 companies to study throughout this course: CVS Health Chevron Kroger Bank of America Home Depot Comcast Target United Parcel Service Procter & Gamble Caterpillar Complete the Entrepreneurial Strengths and Actions to Increase Value Creation Worksheet, describing the company’s approach to entrepreneurial value creation, assessing the company’s strengths […]

discussion 2discussion 2

Overview After briefing the management team on employment law from the Management Team Briefing on Employment Laws assignment, it is time to apply the knowledge to internal processes. There are many fundamental legal concerns surrounding recruiting and the overall hiring processes within organizations. A current review of the company’s HR policies and procedures centered on […]

Sams CupcakeSams Cupcake

This assignment aims to identify causes of labor relations failures and human resources strategies that assist with improving labor relations. You will use the Sam’s Cupcake case study, found in the Class Resources, to complete this assignment. In 500 words, address the following topics: Research possible business strategies leadership could have implemented to avoid the […]

labor relationslabor relations

Part I: Extended Executive Summary Individually, you will complete an “Extended” Executive Summary of 500 words. Extended in that you must offer detailed comments on each element of the Strategic Case Analysis. The intent here is to allow you enough opportunity to prove your grasp of the tools and concepts as you present, both in […]

Animal–Assisted Crisis Response and Pet Therapy Book ReviewAnimal–Assisted Crisis Response and Pet Therapy Book Review

 Animal-assisted crisis response (AACR) can be a useful intervention approach following a crisis event and is effective under many conditions. In this assignment, you will examine research published by the National Association of Social Workers Press to learn how crisis responders apply animal-assisted crisis response tactics to natural disasters, mass violence, grief and loss, and […]

Experiential Learning Project: Applications of Art Therapy and Self-Care in Crisis SituationsExperiential Learning Project: Applications of Art Therapy and Self-Care in Crisis Situations

 Art therapy can stimulate creativity, support treatment goals, and promote self-care and resilience among individuals experiencing a crisis. In this course project, you will explore and write about the functions of art therapy in crisis situations and consider how interacting with art can assist human services professionals in reducing stress and enhancing their own well-being. […]


  Imagine you are the HR manager of a health care organization with 250 employees. You have been asked, as the HR manager, to determine skills required for the new IT system that will be implemented in the purchasing department. The new system will impact all nonsupervisory employees. Implementation of the new system has an […]


  Businesses achieve competitive advantage in recruitment through concerted strategic planning efforts. Propose and discuss at least three ways HR can use competitive advantage in the marketplace to recruit new, qualified applicants. Explain how technology has hindered or enhanced this process.