Discipline: Human Resource Management


  Review the article titled The Perils and Pitfalls of Leading Change Download The Perils and Pitfalls of Leading Change. Be prepared to discuss in one page. Respond From the discussion preparation, analyze the change that was implemented by Daniel Oliveira. Synthesize the change based on Kotter’s eight steps for leading change. Determine if Oliveira […]

Accounting IP 1Accounting IP 1

4 pages not including cover page or reference page. Marker’s Tattoo Studio wants to buy new laser therapy equipment. This new equipment would cost $300,000 to purchase and $20,000 to install. Marker’s estimates that this new equipment would yield incremental margins of $98,000 annually due to new client services. It would require incremental cash maintenance […]

Challanges in HRChallanges in HR

  Imagine you have been invited to a round table discussion session to engage directly with other health care professionals to address current and future health care challenges. Think of the challenges you face as a health care manager and how you would recommend proactively addressing those issues.   Respond to the following questions: What are some strategies […]

Deliverable 1 – Evaluation of Sources Deliverable 1 – Evaluation of SourcesDeliverable 1 – Evaluation of Sources Deliverable 1 – Evaluation of Sources

  Competency Critique research and research sources. Student Success Criteria View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane. Scenario Your executive director has tasked you with conducting some preliminary research on an emerging and perhaps even […]


  Imagine you are the training manager in XYZ company. With every training experience, there is a transfer of knowledge happening.  Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:   Discuss how the needs analysis process in training can be designed to focus on business priorities and critical strategies essential to the organization’s success. […]


What contributes to an employee’s decision to join a union? What are the consequences for organizations that have a union to represent employees?