Discipline: Human Resource Management

2 responses wage2 responses wage

1.  After reviewing MIT’s Living Wage Calculator it showed that where I live, which is Brazoria County Texas just north of Galveston I should be making $16.16 hourly, And this is for a single person, no children. Could I survive off that monthly? not here, $16.16 an hour came up to 33,612.00 before taxes and […]

2 response Challenges DB2 response Challenges DB

1.   Challenges that low-income families and those living in poverty face include many things. Common challenges include; food instability, poor health due to lack of affordable health insurance, joblessness due to lack of transportation and childcare, and lack of proper education (Project, 2021). Parents of children living in poverty or with a low income […]

Power Point PresentationPower Point Presentation

imagine you are the lead trainer for a global organization, and you are ready for the next step in your career. Through data analytics and observations, you have noticed that employees across the organization do not share their knowledge with one another, whether it be from skills training they recently completed to general knowledge that […]

International HRInternational HR

 .narrative that answers the following questions for the case. Fred’s comment to Eric could easily be frustration on his part but also considered a threat to sabotage Eric’s efforts to select qualified engineers to take the assignment to Mexico. What would you do, and why? Fred has been a valuable employee, excelling in his international […]

Unit 6.1 DB: ChallengesUnit 6.1 DB: Challenges

 What are some specific challenges to low-income families or those living in poverty face? How can these challenges and associated stereotypes of low-income individuals affect the delivery of human services and our relationship with clients? Why is it important for human services professionals to be aware of class bias or classism? 

week 10week 10

  You should do this assignment to show that you truly understand what effective human relationships are all about and how they affect others in your team, company, community and around the world. Everyone makes a difference in one way or another. You will not find the answer directly in the library database, so you […]

Who can help me with this discussion post? Selection of ArtifactsWho can help me with this discussion post? Selection of Artifacts

   Discussion Post Selection of Artifacts Your e-portfolio is a way to gain your competitive advantage in the marketplace. Throughout the course, you will be editing previous coursework and uploading to your e-portfolio. In addition, you will create new artifacts (items that you want to showcase) to include in your e-portfolio.  Your e-portfolio should include […]