Discipline: Human Resource Management


  Evaluate the leadership of a leader in your organization, or prior organization, in terms of the seven habits of ethical leaders. Determine one area in which this leader could improve upon, and suggest one action that this leader could take in order to do so. Note: Please do not identify workplaces or leaders by […]

discussion 9discussion 9

  Every workplace can be enjoyable or feel unwelcome. Most people have to work for a living. Understanding about organizational culture and climate can help you find more joy in your world and help create a workplace you love. (Part 1) Due WEDNESDAY: Copy and paste the BOLDED discussion questions (below) INTO your discussion answer. […]

International HRInternational HR

Write about your company (Bright Apeal Limited) and address the following requirements. Create a compensation program for the organization describing its components and allowances. Of the six most common types of allowances, explain why you selected the one(s) that you did. Specifically address which of the three main compensation approaches the organization will use and […]

International HRInternational HR

 You volunteered for an international assignment and have been training for the move. Your spouse was resistant to the assignment because of being away from a parent undergoing chemotherapy treatments. Your boss just announced that to save money, the current home leave allowance of two trips back home per year will be reduced to once […]

Informative comparisonInformative comparison

   Create an informative comparison chart page using no less than 3 terms associated with domestic and global legal implications. Provide a minimum 1000 word, analysis of the terms you selected for your chart. Include the following in your analysis: An examination of each term A discussion about why each item is significant. Identification of […]

Unit 5.1 DB: Gender ViolenceUnit 5.1 DB: Gender Violence

According to the unit resources violence is one of the biggest issues faced by women, feminine-perceived, transgender and gender non-conforming individuals.  Research and identify two forms of gender violence (examples include intimate partner violence, rape/sexual assault, child sex abuse, human trafficking) Share what you have found out. Next, research both national and local services are […]

Performance AppraisalPerformance Appraisal

 A performance appraisal is a regular review of employee job performance and contribution to organizational objectives. In many cases, performance appraisals are conducted at the end of the year to evaluate employee performance, as well as set performance for the next year. For this assignment, you will evaluate another function of HR and management and […]