Discipline: Human Resource Management


1.  What does it mean to have a multicultural perspective? To have a multicultural perspective is to be able to view other cultures in society. (Cross, T., Bazron, B., Denise, K., & Isaacs, T., (1989). Towards A Culturally Competent System of Care, Volume 1) There are multicultural issues related to health that people of color […]

discussion 5discussion 5

  ne, and build better quality relationships at home and at work. (Part 1) DUE WEDNESDAY: After carefully studying chapter chapter 6 and 7 (review from last week) and doing some research (contact a Pierce College Librarian) discuss with a minimum of 250 words the following: (a) Define and describe the basic three leadership styles […]

International HRInternational HR

  Explain the major differences between domestic human resource management (HRM) and international HRM.  Explain some cultural concerns that the organization will need to consider when developing the business plan. Some key cultural points to address would be the host country culture and norms that will affect the employees and leadership. Develop a mission statement […]

Conflict and NegotiationConflict and Negotiation

 Describe the difference between distributive bargaining and integrative negotiation. Which is the best style for a successful negotiation and why? Include a real-life example in your response. Your example could be one that you observed or experienced during your life or an original idea.  200 words


  A substantive post should follow this general criteria, though all are not required in each post: · Range from 175 to 300 words for all posts · Integrate theory, research, and/or professional experience · Include specific examples and/or substantiating evidence · Include in-text citations and references in APA format · Stay on topic and address […]


Discussion: (Post in your assigned teams) In Chapter 12, we discuss the importance of strategic leadership.  Identify a strategic leader in your respective organization or worldwide. What characteristics are essential/unique to the leader you identified? How does this leader shape the formation of the organization’s vision and mission? What is the communication style of the […]