Discipline: Human Resource Management

Part 4Part 4

Part 4 – 400 words with 2 reference citations Now is the time to make a decision about relocating the manufacturing operation to the United States is fast-approaching. AutoEdge, like most companies, uses a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threat (SWOT) analysis to facilitate its decision making. You have just completed your first monthly activity report […]

Human Resource ManagementHuman Resource Management

You have acquired a vast knowledge about multiple topics relevant to managers and HR employees. Below, you will find a list of what some refer as pressing issues and trends facing HR professionals and you are asked by senior management to weigh in on—from educating and discussing the implications for the organization to providing solutions […]

Human Resource ManagementHuman Resource Management

You have acquired a vast knowledge about multiple topics relevant to managers and HR employees. Below, you will find a list of what some refer as pressing issues and trends facing HR professionals and you are asked by senior management to weigh in on—from educating and discussing the implications for the organization to providing solutions […]

Human Resource ManagementHuman Resource Management

You have acquired a vast knowledge about multiple topics relevant to managers and HR employees. Below, you will find a list of what some refer as pressing issues and trends facing HR professionals and you are asked by senior management to weigh in on—from educating and discussing the implications for the organization to providing solutions […]

discussion 2discussion 2

Scenario Imagine you work as an HR professional for the company you selected in the first assignment in Week 3. The company has been having issues with their current performance evaluation process. Some of the issues include the data collection process, proper documentation, and making appropriate decisions on employee performance. Your manager has asked you […]

Unit 8 DB: ConsiderationsUnit 8 DB: Considerations

 There is a lot to consider when making a career decision. After viewing the LinkedIn Learning video Negotiating Your Job Offer and then completing the form Getting Clear on What You want, consider these questions: What are your top 3 must-haves and top 3 walkaways when considering a career/job offer? Describe what is the biggest […]

Social Media PolicySocial Media Policy

Write a 3-page executive summary about best practices, risks, and other considerations to take into account when creating a social media policy for a small trucking company. You will highlight three main bullet points at the end of the summary that you would use to discuss the social media policy issues with stakeholders. Changes in […]

need in 8 hoursneed in 8 hours

  Scenario Assume for this assignment that you are being highly considered for a director-level HR management position for a best-in-class national retailer. You are in the final phase of the interview process and must respond to the interview panel regarding specific questions and scenarios that will help them determine if you are a good […]