Discipline: Human Resource Management

Week 2 – Selecting a CompanyWeek 2 – Selecting a Company

Watch the Selecting a Company videoLinks to an external site. for help getting started on this assignment. Choose an organization with which you are familiar or one in which you have an interest. Research and analyze the organization’s human resource management programs, policies, procedures, or initiatives. Evaluate their effectiveness and select a program, policy, procedure, […]


  · Range from 175 to 300 words. This is for all responses. · Integrate theory, research, and/or professional experience · Include specific examples and/or substantiating evidence · Include in-text citations and references in APA format · Stay on topic and address the course objectives · Demonstrate proper spelling,grammar, and scholarly tone ( I may […]


  All human relations are related to communication in one way or another. We need others to see things differently and do things better. We have to learn to understand what being ethical means to others and work with people in an ethical weay. What we do is communicated through our words and actions. Our […]

Human Resource DiscussionHuman Resource Discussion

Using Capterra select an Applicant Tracking Systems ATS. Then evaluate the effectiveness of your chosen Applicant Tracking Systems ATS. https://www.capterra.com/applicant-tracking-software/ NOTE: It is a discussion post.  RUBRIC: Required minimum length is 500 words. Be sure to include URL for your digital contribution. Rubric ATS Description of features: Use of Capterra criteria even if you did not obtain […]

Pay-for-performance (PFP)Pay-for-performance (PFP)

Pay-for-performance (PFP) continues to be a topic of debate. In America’s public school and health care systems, PFP is controversial issue. In some cases, such as law enforcement and the military, there is a belief such a system would not work at all.  Although the process has made inroads in business and is a means […]

Eng 130Eng 130

 In 2 pages or more, write an alternate part of the story from a different character’s  perspective (example: write from one of the villagers in “The Lottery”, or perhaps  from the perspective of Tom Robinson as he awaits trial). 


 Week 2 Discussion – Ethical Issues in Business Analyze one human resource ethical issue that you believe is prominent in today’s organizations. Suggest two approaches that organizations could take in order to resolve this issue and provide a rationale for your response. Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.