Discipline: Human Resource Management

week 2week 2

  It is easy to assume that you already know everything you need to know. However, if we each can learn about our learning preference, personality style, personality style of others and the learning preferences of others, we can be more effective in communicating. You learn better when you understand how learning works. When you […]

Unit 6 DB: Your NetworkUnit 6 DB: Your Network

   In thinking about people that you know, do you believe that you have a network in place? Explain your answer to this by answering the following questions: Define ways in which you would go about networking to explore opportunities in your career field and obtain more information for yourself. If applicable, explain ways in […]

Unit 6.2 DB: Elder AbuseUnit 6.2 DB: Elder Abuse

 Aida, a hospital counselor, has been called to the emergency room where Mary, an elderly woman, has arrived accompanied by her granddaughter, Amanda. Staff are concerned because Mary seems fearful of Amanda and because Amanda seems to want to control the entire situation.The Vulnerable Elder Rights Protection law identifies certain types of elderly people as […]

Unit 6.1 DB: Aging AdultsUnit 6.1 DB: Aging Adults

 What do you think of when you hear the term “baby boomer”? When sharing your thoughts, if you are comfortable in doing so, please also identify your generation. In what ways do you think the baby boomer generation will affect the nation over the next 20 years? How might the face of human service programs […]

Human Resources ManagementHuman Resources Management

Part I: What do you think would constitute an effective alternative dispute resolution system? What benefits would you expect from such a system? If you were asked to rule on a discharge case, what facts would you analyze in deciding whether to uphold or reverse the employer’s action? Part II: Read Case Study 1. The […]

week 1 discussionweek 1 discussion

  Group 1 – Last names beginning with A – F: What are some of the features of project and portfolio management (PPM) software? What are some of the popular and recommended tools on the market?\ Things to reply to   Project and portfolio management (PPM) software is essential for managing projects, programs, and portfolios […]