Discipline: Human Resource Management

Module 7 packback #4Module 7 packback #4

As you learned in your assigned readings (, many mechanisms exist that leaders of nonprofit organizations can employ to encourage greater citizen input and involvement. One method of active citizen involvement is creating and sustaining a strong volunteer workforce.

Unit 7.2 DB: Budget CutsUnit 7.2 DB: Budget Cuts

  Assume the role of the CEO/Executive Director of an agency that has lost a major contract/grant, and you are expecting substantial budget cuts for the upcoming year. Provide three different realistic options that should be considered in deciding how to deal with the budget deficit   

Unit 7.1 DB: TerminologyUnit 7.1 DB: Terminology

 As trends shift, funders or organizations have changed the terms they use to refer to people who receive their services. As we continue to explore the influence of managed care and for-profit corporate structure, people have concerns regarding terms that may be used to define their client population. The most commonly used terms are “clients,” […]

Discussion Board 2Discussion Board 2

  Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read ONE of the following chapters in your Northouse (2021) textbook: Chapter 8: Transformational Leadership, or Chapter 9: Authentic Leadership, or Chapter 10: Servant Leadership. You will analyze the leadership model discussed in your chosen chapter in the discussion forum that follows. In this discussion, you […]

Discussion 4Discussion 4

In 600–850 words: The U.S. economy started shedding manufacturing jobs and gained services sector jobs in the 1990s, a trend that has largely continued.  Why has this been so prevalent and how has it impacted wages and employment levels?  Finally, how do employment levels (unemployment rates) impact wage levels? Use at least 3 scholarly articles as […]