Discipline: Human Resource Management

Unit 1 DB: Career DevelopmentUnit 1 DB: Career Development

 Career development is a lifelong process in which we become aware of, interested in, knowledgeable about, and skilled in a career. In this Discussion Board, you are asked to share information about your current work life and what your career goal is upon earning your degree.After reviewing the  Career Development Stages Table Career Development Stages […]

Discussion Replies: Management Development and Organizational DevelopmentDiscussion Replies: Management Development and Organizational Development

Submit a reply of at least 250 original words each to the initial threads.  The statements made in each reply must be supported by references and in-text citations for the course textbook, at least one article from a peer-reviewed journal published within the past five years, and the Bible.    All work must:  Include an […]

Discussion PostDiscussion Post

There are many different skills and abilities that a special events manager must have to be successful. Based on this week’s reading of Chapter 13 from Introduction to Hospitality, choose three skills or abilities, or both, of a special event manager. Conduct a self-assessment comparing your skills with the skills of a special event manager. Provide […]


 Imagine that your current organization (or a former organization has had tremendous turnover within the last three months. Some positions have been vacant for over 60 days. Based on the information covered, what sourcing and recruiting methods would you utilize within your organization? Why would these methods work best for your organization? 200 words

uint 8 Responsesuint 8 Responses

1. i believe that I could handle the responsibilities of addressing the clients needs. I am not judgemental or racist, nor do I critisize for religion preference. People tend to feel comfortable with me because I create a safe enviorment and I listen intentively to what they have to say. I might face some challenges […]