Discipline: Law


  Question #1: Chapter 3 provides a general overview of various types of mediation and various approaches mediators can take. What scriptural principles does the information in this chapter bring to mind? Question #2: Please answer the discussion questions found on p. 94 of F&S (Under the sentence, “As you watch them, consider the following […]

Case Study Analysis: Tortious InterferenceCase Study Analysis: Tortious Interference

Tortious Interference Tortious Interference is the act of intentionally interfering with someone’s business. Intentional interference may directly interfere with a business deal, interfere with day-to-day operations, or spread false claims about the business. Tortious interference with a contract happens when a person, not a party to an original contract, somehow influences one of the contracting […]

File a Claim in Federal CourtFile a Claim in Federal Court

For this assignment, you are asked to review the structure of The United States Court system. After reviewing both the state and federal courts, answer the eleven (11) questions. In the second part of the assignment, locate the federal courts “complaint” section and download the Pro Se civil complaint form for Diversity of Citizenship. Complete […]

Conflict and Communication W7Conflict and Communication W7

CO201 – Week 7 Assignment Conflict in the Movies Select a movie that deals with conflict and communication. A link is included below to help you develop ideas, but you can choose any movie that is appropriate. Watch the movie and analyze how culture impacts the conflict and conflict management styles among the characters. Write […]

journal 2journal 2

All questions are worth 20 points:  Is being both a crime fighter and a public servant too much to ask of the police? Does society need to choose what they want police to be, or are both reasonable to expect? Be sure to explain your answer, providing examples as needed. Discuss the use of Tasers […]

week 2 chattweek 2 chatt

As a patrol officer, you are only doing your job when you stop a car for running a red light.  Unfortunately, the driver of the car happens to be the mayor.  You give her a ticket anyway, but the next morning you get called into the captain’s office and told in no uncertain terms that […]