Discipline: Law - Criminal

computer crimescomputer crimes

Explain in detail Carter’s Classification of Computer Crimes. Understand the following dynamics: The advancement of computer technology and networking expanded communications New threats to the information age Just prior to emergence of the internet The target and instrument of the crime The prevalence of computers Make sure you answer the question completely. Explain each dynamic […]

Chapter 2Chapter 2

 This post is due Friday January 19, 2024 before 11:59. Should be at least 250 words per answer.  In Witherspoon v. Illinois, 391 U.S. 510 (1968), the U.S. Supreme Court held that jurors cannot be removed merely because of general scruples against capital punishment, adding that a juror may be excluded “for cause” if it […]


 Assessment and Screening Consider the article by Hirschtritt et al. (2018) and articles read during week 2. How are these articles related to screening and assessment? What specific lessons can be learned from these readings that would inform screening and assessment procedures? 2.  The articles by Camplain et al. (2020) and Leiber et al. (2017) […]


Students are to post their questions pertaining to creating an annotated bibliography in proper APA format and answer their classmate’s questions. Students are to share with their classmates at least two helpful hints they feel will assist them with creating an annotated bibliography in proper APA format. Also, students are to post an example of […]

Unsafe schoolUnsafe school

Review the impact Prepare a brief paper synthesizing federal, state, and local legislation and/or regulations regarding the school safety related points (Unsafe School Option) in No Child Left Behind. Summarize the review by offering an opinion about “why” our nation moved in the direction required by No Child Left Behind and how “persistently dangerous schools” […]