Discipline: Law - Criminal

w3 intercommw3 intercomm

 Please read the following article about identity and attribution and respond to the content. You can find a direct link in this week’s Reading and Resources under the Weekly Content section. https://www.proquest.com/docview/266599458?accountid=8289&parentSessionId=bsR%2FVHmm5E1ylMn6If5P67c%2BQkqXwqIg19d5a49oB5E%3D


 Choose an emergency incident that has occurred since 2010 and describe how the Incident Command System was used in that incident.  You may have to make assumptions if the article is not clear on what functional areas of command were used.  Please keep the incident to the U.S. and stay away from any incident that […]

Supreme Court Summary (greg)Supreme Court Summary (greg)

  any  United States Supreme Court case that involves an interpretation of the  Constitution – this encompasses most of the cases that come before the  Supreme Court. However, please choose a case that was heard by the  Supreme Court from 2009 to the present. Again, please do not choose a  case that is older than […]

Final (greg)Final (greg)

  Describe  and explain the unique challenges associated with the increase in  prisoners with ties to terrorism and other extremist groups. Develop a  plausible approach that prison administrators could implement in  tackling some of the most significant challenges. 


 Intimate Partner Violence survivors are more successful navigating the post incident process when they have an advocate.  According to your book/research, what are the most beneficial behaviors advocates engage in?  Please note there is a LONG list of actions advocates engage in, so there should be a variety in your responses 

Leadership StylesLeadership Styles

 There are a plethora of leadership styles that can be utilized in the criminal justice system.  Objectively assess what kind of leadership style you feel would be the most effective as an administrator in your organization.  Expound on possible advantages and disadvantages of that particular style. (This information can be found in Chapter 2 Organization […]