Discipline: Law - Criminal


  In a minimum of 150 words, using scholarly material and proper citations in a discussion format, define and discuss the critical stage and how this stage affects the defendant’s rights. Your initial discussion board response must reflect at least three reference sources: your textbook and other scholarly materials (i.e., journal articles, magazines, newspaper articles, […]

Milestone 4Milestone 4

my topic is on what duties the coaches and leagues owe to the athletes to prevent some sort of injury during play or practice (Duty of care) draft showing the link between your topic and the information, theories, and material 4 pages uses the sample paper on what it should look like in the end… […]

Socialization TheoriesSocialization Theories

 Throughout this unit, the discussion of socialization theories, such as social control and social learning, have focused on individual responsibilities versus societal problems. For this assignment, you will include the components listed below. Present on which perspectives (social control or social learning) best support the societal problems approach or the individual responsibility approach. For example, […]

Sentence DisparitySentence Disparity

 Sentencing disparity persists because punishment of offenders in the United States is basically a state or local concern where justice is determined by state legislatures and reflects consensus among political constituents. What are the problems with sentencing guidelines? What are the problems with determinate sentences?  What are the problems with indeterminate sentences? Discuss some possible […]

Is It All Good and True?Is It All Good and True?

As technology and scientific methodology evolve, concerns about good or valid science or flawed science also evolve. New methodologies and scientific processes must be carefully evaluated to prove validity. Some processes never attain their hype, some initially appear valid but evolving technology and science later disprove them, while other processes never existed and were simply […]


The thread must be a minimum of 200-250 words. MINIMUM OF TWO SOURCES BESIDES THE TEXTBOOK. Must cite at least 2 sources in addition to the Bible. TEXTBOOK: Prunckun, H. (2019). Counterintelligence theory and practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Inc. ISBN: 9781786606884. Ronczkowski, M. R. (2018). Terrorism and organized hate crime. (4th ed.). […]


The thread must be a minimum of 200-250 words. MINIMUM OF TWO SOURCES BESIDES THE TEXTBOOK. Must cite at least 2 sources in addition to the Bible. TEXTBOOK: Prunckun, H. (2019). Counterintelligence theory and practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Inc. ISBN: 9781786606884. Ronczkowski, M. R. (2018). Terrorism and organized hate crime. (4th ed.). […]

Introduction to CriminalisticsIntroduction to Criminalistics

Assignment Details  Crime laboratories started in Europe, when Dr. Edmond Locard, Director of the Crime Laboratory in Lyon, France, postulated the theory that an individual cannot enter or leave a location without leaving something of him- or herself behind and taking something from the location with him or her when leaving. This became the foundation […]