Discipline: Law - Criminal

Law – Criminal Week 8 Assignment – Development Plan for Two SkillsLaw – Criminal Week 8 Assignment – Development Plan for Two Skills

  Instructions Complete and submit your assignment using the following steps: Step 1: Download and complete the Week 8 Assignment Template [DOCX] Download Week 8 Assignment Template [DOCX]. Step 2: Save the template as, YourName_WRK100_Week8_DevelopmentPlan. Step 3: Submit your completed template below. Note: Review the Week 8 Assignment rubric below before submitting. The specific course […]

Define ProgramDefine Program

  You have identified a program that you believe requires evaluation. You have had also identified stakeholders as well as potential problems and evidence of the calibrators at play. After consulting with your supervisor and peers, you decide to present your evaluation plan to members of a task force comprised of your stakeholders. You choose […]


Recently, some judges have been sentencing offenders to “shaming” punishments. Please look at this article – what are ethical concerns do these types of punishments cause? Are they effective? Why or why not? Please remember to post a new question using the red “Ask A New Question” button, then reply to at least 3 of […]

rel db 1rel db 1

  In this week’s readings on Islam, you will gain a deeper understanding of central beliefs and teachings in the Islamic tradition. You will learn about the Qur’an, the Prophet Muhammad, the Six Articles of Faith, the Five Pillars, and the main branches of Islam, Sunni, and Shi’a. Please select and discuss a particular aspect […]

eco db 5eco db 5

  Dr. Evil was frozen in 1967, and being frozen for thirty years causes Dr. Evil to underestimate how much ransom money he should ask for. But just how much did the price level rise over those thirty years? The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is just one price index that we use to measure inflation. […]

Criminology/Criminal JusticeCriminology/Criminal Justice

Instructions Instructions for this Assignment For this assignment, you will create a minimum 5-page research paper profiling the serial killer you chose in module 2. Paper Requirements Your profile should include the following: Title Page Must be APA and directly following the title page include the following: Your selected serial killer’s name and nickname if […]

Discussion Module 7Discussion Module 7

 Read this case about Paul Krueger, Ph.D. Download Paul Krueger, Ph.D.It’s lengthy but interesting. Then respond to the questions.   a.    Should Krueger have been given a second chance? He is a convicted murderer who has served his time in prison–he has paid his dues according to the State of Texas. The Texas Parole Board […]

Analysis Paper OutlineAnalysis Paper Outline

 The outline for terrorism analysis will be turned in using the Word template provided in Module 12 and below. The name of the group must be listed (must pick one of the groups below). 2 points 3 bullets or short sentences per marker must be listed. 3 points each (total of 36 points) These are […]