Discipline: Law - Criminal

Week 5Week 5

Please identify the issue, provide examples and statistics to demonstrate the extent of the issue, and provide solutions and implementation strategies

Perceptions Versus Reality Reflection – Scenario Based ActivityPerceptions Versus Reality Reflection – Scenario Based Activity

Many people might enjoy watching the latest forensic science show on television and believe they have strongly grasped forensic science and what forensic scientists do, but is that perception accurate? The phenomenon known as the CSI effect continues to attract significant debate as it can potentially impact all areas of the criminal justice system. This […]

Bureaucratic SpeedBureaucratic Speed

   Bureaucratic Speed In our reading this week, we have seen how social problems, public opinion, and public expectations and changed more quickly than our bureaucratic institutions.  What are the factors that impact this lag, and what do you suggest as remedies? 75-150 words. Current events and reflections Based on your recently earned understanding of […]


From the reading you should realize that ethics are very important in the research fields.  There are organizations whose sole purpose is that ethical procedures are followed during research studies such as Institutional Review Boards (IRBs).  Discuss some of the areas where ethics are important during the research process.  Explain answer in at least 250 […]

db questiondb question

  How do law enforcement agencies recruit and hire the most qualified candidates? Be sure to address the applicable federal laws that impact the hiring process, effective recruiting methods for building a diverse law enforcement agency, and the hiring process itself.  Discuss Sir Robert’s Peel’s principles of policing and their impact on today’s policing. Provide […]